Foot and Ankle Surgery Expert Witness

Foot and Ankle Expert Witness

Stress fractures are considered an overuse type of injury. This means that a fracture may arise on the foot or ankle from increased exercise, over time, which results in an injury. Stress fractures are minute cracks in the bones that develop when the muscles that surround the area become fatigued. The muscles become overtired and are unable to absorb the shock of continual impacts, which cause the muscles to transfer all of the stress of impact on the bones. This condition can lead to a small crack or fracture developing in the bone. One must not ignore this condition and visit Foot and Ankle Expert Witness.

Stress fractures most commonly occur along the major bones that are affected by walking, typically the feet, ankle or lower extremities. The most common site for these fractures is along the metatarsals or long bones between the toes and the middle portion of the foot. One must also need Foot and Ankle Surgery Expert Witness in order to treat such a condition.


Experiencing too much pressure over a compressed amount of time can lead to stress breaks in the foot and ankle. This means that doing too much too soon can cause these problems. Runners and athletes who have taken the winter off, often jump back in where they left off in the spring, only to find themselves with a stress fracture in the foot or ankle.

Improper running shoes can also lead to problems if the fit is inaccurate. Shoes that are overly worn or too stiff can lead to stress break related issues. Errors in training, poor surface quality and mechanical problems existing in the foot are also among common causes of stress breaks.


The most common symptom of a fracture affecting the foot or ankle is the acute pain. It is a pain that gradually develops over time and noticeably increases during weight-bearing activities. The pain typically subsides during times of rest. Possible bruising at the site of the fracture may also occur, along with swelling to the top area of the foot or the outer portion of the ankle.

Another common symptom of a stress break is tenderness to the touch of the afflicted region. The ankle may be painful if touched or brushed against. The site of the fracture may result in severe pain if the area is pushed or moved.


The treatment plan for a stress break depends on the injury site. Minor stress fractures will heal over time if the level of activity is diminished and a protective foot or ankle wear is worn for several weeks. Foot and Ankle Surgery Expert Witness may recommend cushioned footwear or other devices that will brace and stabilize the affected area. Crutches may also be recommended to eliminate weight bearing on the injured site for 4 to 8 weeks.

In some cases, surgery may be the only answer. The surgery may be needed if the fracture is severe and proper healing has not taken place despite periods of rest. Your orthopedic surgeon can work with you to come up with the best possible plan and outcome.
